changed my blogskin... nice?? oh..i juz received an email frm er.. my sentosa grp leader?? muz go 2 sentosa on this thurs..CCA..interact club..students frm german international sch ppl going...
anyway..this is the email..

From : Aaron Lee Kwang Siong
Sent : Tuesday, March 13, 2007 12:10 AM
To :
Subject : Hihi from your Sentosa Trip Grp. Leader for Thursday


This Thursday is the day for our Sentosa trip! Are you not excited? :D
Let me introduce myself, I am Aaron. I will be your
group leader for the Sentosa trip. So to make the trip more meaningful
and enjoyable, I am going to teach you a game you can play now. Yes,
right now, even before we meet for the trip!

The game is called the Angel and Mortal game. Let me explain to you the
rules of the game. You will have a mortal, his/her name is Kira Hentschel.(put "his/her" 4 wad..gt mention in the next line -.=")
This is her email address kira_hentschel@gess.org.sg. So you are
Kira's angel. You are like her guardian angel and you are supposed
to take care of her. Don't reveal your identity to her. You should
email her and introduce yourself, for example tell her what your hobbies are,
which movies you like, what you like to do in your spare time and so on.
You can tell your mortal anything.

You will also receive email from your angel. Yes, you do have your own
angel too! Do reply to your angel's email ok

During the Sentosa trip, remember to find out who your angel and mortal
are. Both of them would be in your group. Groups who can find out their
angels and mortals the fastest would get a prize ok :p

See you soon on Thursday! Can't wait for the trip

Cheers !

Your group leader

i was lyk -.=" lor..haha anyway

my sis bot a hairband 4 me...

oh..bot this shirt in parkway...